Effective Email Marketing: 3 Key Ways to Increase Sales

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Effective email marketing today is a very important tool for modern sales. However, simply filling out a letter in the first editor came across is no longer enough for the newsletter to increase sales. How to properly increase sales using email marketing?

Effective Email Marketing: 3 Key Ways to Increase Sales

  1. Email marketing as part of a sales funnel

A sales funnel is a “journey” of a client from getting to know a company to a regular customer. Email marketing today plays a key role in this journey, and you need to use all the features of modern mailing lists.

For example, a client visits a site through a search engine and reads an article on a blog. After a little more than half of the content, a popup appears that offers to leave your email (lead magnet) to receive a 10% discount (tripwire).

Today, most customers leave their email for such an offer, even if they are “sure” that they will never need it. But why do those emails value so much?

Effective email marketing is different in that it allows you to attract already interested customers, or bring cold leads to a warm condition. By sending out mailings to precisely such addresses, you are more likely to lead the customer to purchase, because he is already interested in your product or service.

Effective email marketing

  1. Cross-sell and up-sell

Effective email marketing today is a fairly creative process, in which however there are their own rules and opportunities. One such rule is cross-sell and up-sell.

Cross-sell is the sale of products from parallel categories that may be of interest to the client (often related products appear here). Up-sell is the sale of a more expensive product, or the addition of additional options.

How to use it in email marketing? You need to properly arrange the newsletter!

For example, if your company has a CRM system, then customers can already be divided into segments. If we select one of these segments that spend more than N amounts of money and prefers certain products, then these are the ones that should fall under our effective email marketing.

A real-world example: a pizza delivery service makes a newsletter for its loyal customers who prefer the most popular pizza. Both of these segments (loyal customers and preferences) were determined in advance using the CRM system.

Further in the mailing list you should send a 20% discount code when ordering your favorite pizza, plus soda and salad (up-sell). It is also worth offering an ongoing promotion for another assortment of pizzas (cross-sell).

Thus, in one mailing list appear two different offers, thereby we give the client a choice. And this choice is not “buy / not buy”, but “up-sell or cross-sell”.

Эффективный email маркетинг

  1. Effective email marketing = beautiful email marketing

It’s a little non-standard – to put an equal sign between one and the other, but the meaning in this case will be clear. The approach to creating content for the newsletter is an essential element of its success!

Considering also an example of a pizza delivery service, you can select several tools that will greatly help us in our newsletters. For example, if the site is on WordPress, then the Mailchimp plugin will perfectly combine with Woocommerce and others, allowing you to create beautiful letters with a high-quality integration of links, forms and offers.

Another example is a canva design site. With it, you can create high-quality designs for use in the body of the letter, or even beautifully design links.

Of course, there are a lot of tools that can help in creating high-quality mailings. But the main thing in this process is a creative approach. If you use everything correctly, but customers will wait for letters from you.

email marketing as part of crm marketing


Effective email marketing today is not a case-by-case mailing list, but a constant and routine work. However, in which company and in which market you would not work, email marketing can play a key role in promoting your goods or services.

Believe our experience – with the proper approach, in particular, segmenting and preparing a personalized offer, email marketing will become one of the drivers of your sales growth.

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