Freelance start: 4 places to search for remote work

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Freelance start or how to start your freelance career today? In the modern world, anyone can do this – the main thing is experience and portfolio. However, when it comes to finding customers, many freelance specialists cannot find their bearings, very often giving preference to cold calls or searching through friends.

But it should be remembered that the freelance services market is growing every year, and in the modern world there are very convenient ways to find remote work, and, in the long run, go to Bali, to enjoy life and working for pleasure.

Freelance start or how to start your freelance career today and start making money. Below are 4 sources of freelance work for a successful freelance start.

Freelance start: 4 places to search for remote work

  1. Freelance exchange

Today, there are many freelance exchanges where customers publish the work they need, and the performers do it. Examples of such exchanges for the CIS countries:

 Examples of international freelance exchanges:

On these resources, it is quite possible to find customers, especially if you have a high-quality portfolio. However, it should be remembered that from year to year not only the number of customers increases, but also that of the freelancers.

Today, the process of creating a successful account on such website is quite a long one, and at first they will often refuse you, preferring more experienced freelance specialists. However, do not despair, but simply send out a lot of correctly executed applications every day, and in the end you will receive your first order.

Фриланс работа

  1. Own website

Freelance specialists from the CIS very often neglect to create their own website, which is a shame! Because it will not only allow you to find customers from search engines in the process, but will also serve as a demonstration of your portfolio.

However, today you can create a website for your portfolio not only using standard CMS, but also using cloud services – which is used by so many freelance specialists.

Examples of such services:

Believe our experience, having your own website allows you to find customers much faster – because it is prestigious, and shows that the contractor is responsible for the matter. And such performers will always find work.

Brand promotion

  1. Social networks

Where in the modern world without social networks? If you have your own website, you can also drive traffic from social networks to it or simultaneously lead a group / page on your subject, publishing articles there, or even just memes.

The main SMM promoting freelance work is authenticity. It is very important if, for example, you are a designer, to design your page properly. And the relevant groups in social networks can also help you find customers.

  1. Job Search Sites

Some tools just hide in the open! In the modern world you can also find work on job search website, but for some reason, it is often forgotten. On modern job search sites, it is also often possible to meet remote or freelance work – the main thing is to enter the necessary queries into the search.

Also, do not forget about the proper execution of your own resume – if you plan to find just remote and temporary work, then you need to specify it. But even if you are offered a full-time job, and you are planning another, then there is always the opportunity of negotiations.

Freelance work


The most important thing to remember when looking for a freelance job is that it is your small business. And in developing a successful business, everything should be aimed at promoting and selling your services.

There is no need to be afraid to act in this case, and the maximum effect can be obtained only from the presence at all of the above sources. And remember – not only are you looking for customers; customers are also looking for you.

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